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Switzerland, 1891-1945
An International History
Golden Twenties
The 1920s in Europe
Tax Havens
Offshore Finance in the 20th Century
Histoire du paradis fiscal suisse. Expansion et relations internationales du centre offshore suisse au XXe siècle, Paris, Presses de Sciences Po, 2018, 324 pages
La défense du paradis fiscal suisse avant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, Neuchâtel, Alphil-Presses universitaires suisses, 2016, 544 pages
Articles in English
Neutral Paradoxes. Switzerland and the Allies at the Beginning of the Second World War, Diplomacy and Statecraft, 2024.
The Price of Isolation: Fascism, Vichy and the Holocaust in French History, Contemporary European History, 2022.
In the Shadow of the Golden Calf. The Swiss Confederation and the German Reich during the Twenties, Economic History Yearbook/Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 63/1, 2022.
Attractive Sources. Tax Havens’ Emergence: Mythical Origins versus Structural Evolutions, SSRN Research Paper Series, 2021, 23 pages.
Neutral Switzerland, Summer 1940. A Reappraisal, Woodrow Wilson International Center, Document de travail, 2020
From the Wilsonian Moment to Balanced Relations. Reinterpreting Swiss Foreign Policy after the First World War, Revue d'histoire diplomatique, 1, 2020.
A beggar became a banker: Financial relations between Switzerland and France and the implications for foreign policy, from the Belle Epoque to the Phoney war, International History Review, 43/2, 2021.
The Return to Order in the Swiss Confederation after the Great War: The Edification of a Liberal-Conservative Bastion in Europe, 20 & 21, 143, 2019.
Quantification and Revolution. An Investigation of German Capital Flight After the First World War, EHES Working Papers in Economic History, 149, 2019.
Capital Flight and Tax Competition after World War I. The Political Economy of French Tax Cuts, Contemporary European History, 27, 2018.
The Swiss Tax Haven, the Bretton Woods System Crisis and the Globalisation of Offshore Economy, in The Political Economy of Public Finance. Taxation, State Spending and Debt since the 1970s, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2017.
Tax Avoidance, Collective Resistance, and International Negotiations. Foreign Tax Refusal by Swiss Banks and Industries Between the Two World Wars, Journal of Policy History, 25/3, 2013.
The Rise of the Swiss Tax Haven in the Interwar Period : An International Comparison, EHES Working Papers in Economic History, 27, 2012.

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